UPDATED: Need a license renewed?


License Plate/Registrations:

If your Kentucky license plate is expired, or you need to register a new car, the County Clerk’s Office is now open for regular business.

Out of State Vehicle Inspections:

If you are transferring an out of state title to Kentucky, come to the Sheriff’s Office beforehand and will will do the required inspection for out of state transfer. Inspections are $5 cash or check.

If you have any question, please contact the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office: 859-292-3833

Driver’s License

If you need your Driver’s License made or renewed, contact the Circuit Court Clerk @ 859-292-6314

Campbell County Sheriff’s Office Reopening


The Campbell County Sheriff’s Office will be reopening to the general public June 1st, with one exception.

Appointments are NOT necessary.

All Campbell County Sheriff’s services will be back in full service on June 1st, 2020. EXCEPTION: Due to the close contact required to perform Pre-employment Fingerprinting , this service will not be available until later in the summer. Please check back for announcements for when this service returns.

Masks Made By Jail


The Sheriff’s Office Receives Masks Made By Prisoners

Thanks goes out to Campbell County Detention Center’s Jailer Jim Daley and the prisoners that volunteered to make safety masks for our staff to wear during the Covid-19 pandemic. We received 30 masks with additional to come. Pictured is Sheriff Jansen receiving the masks from Lt. Zach Smith from the Detention Center.

Sheriff’s Office During Covid-19


Sheriff’s Office During Covid-19

The Campbell County Sheriff Office administrative locations are closed to walk in traffic and face to face service because of various building and office closures due to Covid-19. We are collaborating with all County offices to provide what services we can to the best of our abilities during this difficult time.

The Sheriff Office locations affected:     

  • Newport Main Office
    1098 Monmouth Street
    Newport, Kentucky 41071
  • Alexandria Office
    8330 West Main Street
    Alexandria, Kentucky 41001

Main Phone number: 859-292-3833

At this time, we are not performing many of our administrative services that require close contact with the public.

Paying your county taxes there are several options for you to use:

  1. Mail in the tax stub with a check for the correct amount enclosed
  2. Go online to: https://sheriff.campbellcountykentucky.com/  follow the instructions to pay with a credit card (extra fees are access by the credit card service provided)


  • If you have received a notice that there is a paper that needs to be served on you, please call and coordinate with our staff to receive this paper.

Vehicle Inspections

To obtain an out-of-state vehicle inspection, please follow these instructions after you have arrived at our Newport Office at 1098 Monmouth Street:

1. You must have the following:

· $5 in Cash or Check.  (Sorry, we do not take credit cards for inspections)
· Your Vehicle Title  (If you do not have your title, or know where it is, call the number below and staff will assist you.)
· Your Drivers License

It is recommended that you have the above three items fixed under your windshield wiper on the drivers side before we come down, weather permitting.  If it is raining, bring the above items to the front foyer and a clerk will meet you at a distance to assist you.

2. When you arrive, remain at your vehicle and call our office at (859) 292-3833 and advise the that you are in the parking lot for a vehicle inspection.  Give a description of your car and general location in the parking lot.  Have you car turned on and the door open when the inspector comes out. 

3. Maintain an absolute minimum of 6 feet from the inspector at all times.


  • If you need to apply for a new or renew a CCDW license, please utilize the Kentucky State Police website to do so. If you need to pick up a permit, please call the office to see if arrangements can be made for you to receive the permit once it is delivered to our office.


  • Pre-employment fingerprinting is suspended.



! ! ! SCAM WARNING ! ! ! The latest method being reported for 2020

The Sheriff’s Office will NEVER call you and ask you to pay ANYTHING over the telephone to resolve any legal document, warrant or other issue. 

Scammers are at it again, and are now using our address of 1098 Monmouth Street and our main telephone number. The current complaint we have heard about is that the caller will state that your Social Security Number has been compromised and payment must be made via the caller for the Sheriff to resolve the issue. Most people should know that the Sheriff’s Office has nothing to do with correcting such an issue, but the callers are sometimes very convincing.

Remember, if in doubt, hangup and call the Sheriff’s Office during regular business hours to confirm if the situation is real. NEVER give out your social security number, date of birth or personal information unless you dialed our office yourself.

Sheriff’s Office does not collect money in anyway to make legal documents or warrants go away. Be alert! Be suspicious when you are receiving the call.

Lastly, our Offices are only open from 8 AM to 4 PM so if you are receiving a call after those hours, it is definitely not us.

Last Day To Pay County Property Taxes


December 31st, 2019 is the last day to pay County Property Taxes before late fees apply.

Although our office is closed on December 31st as it is every year, you can still pay your taxes without a late fee by postmarking it on or before the 31st, or you can pay them at any Heritage Bank in the area. Heritage is open on New Year’s Eve.

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 10, Cops and Kids 2019


Sheriff Mike Jansen and Deputy George Schreiner were proud to participate in this year’s Cops and Kids program that our FOP Lodge provides every year. 55 total children we provided a hot breakfast, then shopping with law enforcement officers from all over Campbell County. There were photos with Santa, a wrapping party and lunch afterwards. All in all a great day was had by all.

Click any thumbnail image below to see in full size:

Discounted Tax Period Is Coming To An End


The last day to pay your county property taxes in the office will be Wednesday, November 27th.

If you mail your taxes, they must be in the mail and postmarked by the post office before or on November 30th. You can also pay at any Heritage Bank.

The full tax amount will go into effect on December the 1st.