St. Vincent De Paul Northern Kentucky Food Drive
St. Vincent De Paul, along with Campbell County Sheriff, Boone County Sheriff, FedEx, Campbell County Police, Kenton County Police and Covington Police have placed collection bins in our lobbies for you to help their Food Drive to stock their pantry.
Items Needed:
Peanut Butter and Jelly | Canned Fruit |
Soups | Pasta and Pasta Sauce |
Mac and Cheese | Laundry Detergent |
Instant Potatoes | Shampoo |
Canned Meats (Tune, Chicken etc.) | Conditioner |
Pork and Beans | Dry Breakfast Items |
Baked Beans | Granola Bars, Poptarts |
Chili Beans | Oatmeal |
Canned Pasta and Ravioli | Tomatoes Canned of All Types |