County Property Taxes are past due January 1st.


Due to the New Year Holiday, the Sheriff’s Office will not be open December 31st. To avoid paying the January amount for your bill, it must be post marked by the Post office no later than December 31st. This is not the metered date (when postage was added), but when the Post Office cancels the postage and marks it for delivery.

You can also pay your taxes at any Campbell County United Bank location up until 3 PM on Monday December 31st.

Deputy Award


Chief Deputy Named Deputy of the Year by Kentucky Sheriff’s Association

Chief Deputy Ken Fecher was awarded Deputy of the Year by the Kentucky Sheriff’s Association at the Association’s December Sheriff’s Training Conference.  

Campbell County Sheriff’s Office Command Staff Left to Right: Sergeant Mark Grisik, Sheriff Mike Jansen, Chief Deputy Ken Fecher and Sergeant Nick Chaplin

Campbell County Sheriff’s Office Joins 2018 FOP Lodge 10’s Cops and Kids


Campbell County Sheriff’s Office Joins 2018 FOP Lodge 10’s Cops and Kids

73 Children Enjoyed A Morning of Christmas Shopping With a Cop. 
The Campbell County FOP Lodge 10 has been participating in this event for 21 years.  10 children participated the first year.  It has grown every year since.  Those of our deputies that participated had a great time.  If you go to FOP Lodge 10’s website you can see all 175 posted images of everyone that participated.  

Agencies participating were Campbell County Sheriff’s Office, Alexandria Police, Cold Spring Police, Dayton Police, Fort Thomas Police, Campbell County Police, Wilder Police, and Campbell County Detention Center.